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Human Rights Policy

Our Policy

In line with the UN Guiding Principles, Sleaford Quality Foods Ltd is committed to ensuring that all our employees work in an environment that promotes human rights by supporting diversity, trust and equal opportunities, and is free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

We recognise that the business has the responsibility to respect human rights and that this is a growing area of importance not only to our employees, but also to our stakeholders, customers and the communities in which we operate.  There is therefore a business and moral case for ensuring that human rights are upheld across our operations and supply chain.  This Human Rights Policy supports and aligns our the company’s principles contained in the Ethical Trading Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy.

Our Operation

Sleaford Quality conducts its operations with honesty, integrity and openness and with respect for the human rights and interests of its employees.  In our business dealings, we expect our partners to adhere to business principles consistent with our own.   We prohibit discrimination, forced, trafficked and child labour and are committed to safe and healthy working conditions and the dignity of the individual.  We provide the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining and effective information and consultation procedures.  We recognise the importance of land rights, and are committed to the principle of free, prior and informed consent and support its implementation by national authorities.

Responsible Sourcing

Sleaford Quality Foods have a large and diverse extended supply chain and we recognise the critical role our suppliers play in helping us to source responsibly and sustainably. Our supplier approval and review process aims to ensure transparency, identify potential risks and shortcomings in the company’s supply chain regardless of the supplier’s country of origin and drive continuous improvement.

Addressing Human Rights Impacts

Sleaford Quality Foods recognise that we must take steps to identify and address adverse impacts with which we may be involved through our own activities or our business relationships, and communicate with our stakeholders about how we address such impacts

We understand that human rights due diligence is an ongoing process that requires particular attention at certain stages in our business activities, such as when we form new partnerships or our operating conditions change, as these changes may create new impacts on human rights.

Grievance Mechanism

Sleaford Quality Foods believe grievance mechanisms play a critical role in opening channels for dialogue, investigation and, when required, providing remedy. They enable employees and other stakeholders to raise complaints freely and obtain effective and transparent resolutions.

We encourage employees to raise any concerns or grievances through their line manager or the Human Resources Department.  For any complaints received from the communities in which we operate, we would aim to co-operate as required with competent authorities in investigating alleged human rights impacts. External stakeholders have the facility to contact Sleaford Quality Foods via telephone or email, the contact details for which can be obtained via the company website.

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