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Modern Slavery Statement


Sleaford Quality Foods Limited is committed to developing and adopting a proactive approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation related to our own operations and that of our supply chain. SQF recognises that labour exploitation can occur in many forms including forced labour, slavery, child labour, human trafficking, payment for work-finding services, workplace abuse and forced use of accommodation.

Our Organisation

SQF is a supplier of dehydrated and canned products and manufacturer of dried blended products to the UK food industry. Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd is the parent company located in India.

Our Policies

SQF meet and, where possible, exceed the requirements of all UK laws which are designed to protect both permanent and temporary employees for our operations in the UK. The responsibility for ensuring UK legal compliance for SQF employees is held by the Human Resources Manager.  All temporary recruitment is undertaken with reputable employment agencies that have acquired the necessary GLA certification.

There are clear, organisational policies in place to demonstrate and support our commitment to the issue of modern slavery, as follows:

  • Ethical Trading Policy
  • Anti-corruption and Bribery Policy
  • Dignity at Work Policies
  • Whistleblowing Policy

Sleaford Quality have also undergone a detailed Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) of its ethical standards and practices based upon the ETI Base Code.

Our Supply Chain

The supply chains operated by SQF are far reaching around the globe and, as such, we have adopted a supplier approval and review process which aims to identify potential risks in the company’s supply chain. This process is applied to all suppliers regardless of the supplier’s country of origin.

During the supplier approval and review process, SQF requests that all suppliers are or become members of Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (www.sedexglobal.com), and in some cases a full SMETA audit (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) may have been carried out.  Where suppliers are not registered members of Sedex, SQF require an Ethical Trade Questionnaire to be fully completed by the supplier which is then assessed and any risks identified managed. The responsibility of maintaining the supplier approval and review process is held by the Technical Manager.

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our organisation’s modern slavery statement for the current financial year.

James Arnold
Managing Director

January 2024

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